#30to30:Who chooses our religion?

For the first time, I answered the question I have expected all along, “Umma who chooses our religion?” my eight year old asked while we were driving home last night.I always knew this would come. “If God made us, couldn’t he chose to put all of us in one religion.” There were many innocent doubts…

#30to30:I ache for a girl!

I am a mother of two boys. An eight and a four. It is awesome, this thing that moms are made of. Such a proportional mix of ingredients that can barely ever go wrong. Seven year old Yaani told me one day, “Ma, you have gotten very short. See, I am almost next to your…

#30to30:Keeping the boys bored. Without guilt.

There is one thing I made my mind up to teach the boys this vacation. Boredom. They have been entertained up to the minute for quite a bit. Now, I fear they think they are entitled to such entertainment. And not privileged to such lenience. Soon, there will be only me to blame for like…

Raising feminist sons

In response to a recent post about raising my boys right, I received a comment that said,’feminism and sexism overload’. Woah! I thought to myself. I was only talking of young boys and raising them right. Is that really feminism? Would you still call it feminism, if instead of me, my husband posted it? He…

Who takes care of the boy’s mother?

“Navas is going back to Kerala. Looks like he has left his job. At least, that’s what he said,” Thatha, my help at home was telling me. “Hmmm,” I nodded. “He is not too sure. Doesn’t look his mechanical motor thing is doing so well. He wants to start something in Kerala,” she added as…

The Boys, Me and Period.

Daughter of a father. When I first got my periods, I cried. Thinking about it, I don’t even know why. Neither do I know now. But, yes, cry I did. Previously that year, each time, if at all I would call out from the toilet, Ma would ask, ” Aaya? ” ( translated to ‘has…

Cartoon Network- Seven things that make it so child un-friendly.

Channel 300 is E junior.Channel 310, Cartoon Network. My five year old is all day long channel toggling between the two. So, its either 300 or 310.Like most homes with children in this age group, and yes, with one television set, we don’t get to see any other channel here. So, we are watching or…